Join us in bringing industry standards to California’s transit providers

A woman at a stand with a sign that reads, 'Next stop: Better products'

There are hundreds of public transit providers in California with no consistent approach to collect fares, verify eligibility for fare discounts, or provide up-to-date vehicle arrival information to riders. This lack of uniformity creates barriers for new riders, complicates travel across different systems, and can be expensive for agencies to manage.

Created and managed by Caltrans, the California Integrated Travel Project (Cal-ITP) is a statewide initiative to unify transit in California with a common fare payment system, real-time data standard, and seamless verification of reduced-fare eligibility. 

We are working to create a true marketplace

We want to ensure transit agencies have access to innovative and affordable technologies to enable a better experience for riders. While we’ve primarily worked with California agencies, we have products for agencies all across the country. Reach out or view our MSAs to learn more.

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